Physics for Medical Science

Course Description:  The Physics for Medical Science course presents with emphasis on the knowledges of physics concerning biological and medical areasat the 1st year college level .  It includes physical laws and applications covering the topics; Mechanics, thermodynamics, physical optics, electromagnetism, special theory of relativity, quantum mechanics, atomic physics, nuclear physics

Texts: Fundamentals of Physics 8-10th Edition by David Halliday,   Robert Resnick (Author),    Jearl Walker (Author) and Online Textbook:

Course Details

GRADING:  Your grade will be determined according to the following distribution.  (Part of the homework grade may be based on work done in class.): 

Homework -                10%,

Random Quizzes –      15%,

Project -                       15%,

Midterm –                   30%,

Final Examination       30%.

Tentative grading criterion:

80-100             A

70-79               B+

60-69               B

50-59               C+

40-49               C

30-39               D+

20-29               D

Below 20         F




ACADEMIC INTEGRITY:  The use of unauthorized material, communication with others during an examination or quiz, attempting to benefit from the work of another student, and similar behavior that defeats the intent of an examination quiz, or other class work is unacceptable to the University.  It is often difficult to distinguish between a culpable act and inadvertent behavior resulting from nervous tensions accompanying examinations.  Where a clear violation has occurred, however, the instructor may disqualify the student’s work as unacceptable and assign a failing score on the paper. It is particularly important that you are aware of and avoid plagiarism, cheating on examinations and quizzes, fabricating data for a project assignment, submitting a paper to more than one professor, or submitting work authored by anyone but yourself.  Violations will result in penalties, which may be severe such as resulting in a failing grade in the course, and will be reported to the Office of Student Conduct.  If you have doubts about any of these policies, you must confer with the professor.

Retention of Paperwork:  Graded paperwork, if not distributed to a student in class, will be available, during regular university office hours, in room R3/1 the days following its availability in class. 




Mid Term   -   March 7, 2017          

Final Exam   - May  9, 2017

In addition to modifications of the proposed schedule, it may be necessary to make some other adjustments in the syllabus during the semester.   The syllabus posted on the course website is the updated syllabus.


PROPOSED SCHEDULE as of 10 January 2017

Since no two classes are ever the same, you should expect that there might be changes to the schedule as the needs of the students in this class evolve.   You are expected to study the reading assignments carefully before the class meetings.

NO      Date                   Topics                                            Instructor                         

1                10 Jan.                   Medical Mechanics                                                     WT                             

2                17 Jan.                   Medical Mechanics                                                     WT


3                24 Jan.                   Medical Mechanics                                                     WT


4                31 Jan.                   Medical Mechanics                                                     WT

5               07 Feb.                   Medical Thermodynamics                                           WT

6               14 Feb.                   Medical Thermodynamics                                           WT

7               21 Feb.                   Medical Optics                                                            WT

8               28 Feb.                   Medical Optics                                                            WT


9               07 Mar.                   Midterm Examination                                    


10              14  Mar.                 Electromagnetism                                                       WT


11              21  Mar.                 special theory of relativity                                          WT


12              28  Mar.                 special theory of relativity                                         WT                 


13              04 Apr.                  Atomic physics and applications                                WT

14              11 Apr.                  Atomic physics and applications                                WT     


15              18  Apr.                 Nuclear physics and radioactivity                               WT


16              25  Apr.                 Nuclear physics and radioactivity                               WT


17              09 May.                 Final Examination                                          


Course Materials

Chapter 1. Mechanics of the Body

Physics - Mechanics: Ch 15 Torque Fundamentals (1 of 13) What is Torque?

Physics - Mechanics: Ch 15 Torque Fundamentals (2 of 13) Direction of Torque (Part 1)

Physics - Mechanics: Ch 15 Torque Fundamentals (3 of 13) Direction of Torque (Part 2)

Physics - Mechanics: Torque (1 of 7) Mass on Rod and Cable

Physics - Mechanics: Torque (2 of 7) Mass on Rod and Cable

Physics - Mechanics: Torque (3 of 7) Mass on Rod and Cable

Physics - Mechanics: Torque (4 of 7) The Diving Board

Physics - Mechanics: Torque (5 of 7) The Bicep

Physics - Mechanics: Ch 15 Torque (13 of 27) Body Mechanics: Ex. 1, F=? To Lift Up Arm

Physics - Mechanics: Ch 15 Torque (14 of 27) Body Mechanics: Ex. 2, F=? To Lift Dumbbell

Physics - Mechanics: Ch 15 Torque (15 of 27) Body Mechanics: Ex. 3, F=? on Achilles Tendon***

Physics -Fluid Flow (1 of 7) Bernoulli's Equation

Physics -Fluid Flow (2 of 7) Bernoulli's Equation

The Physics of Breathing

GCSE BBC Science Bitesize - Breathing

GCSE Science Revision - Breathing

GCSE Science Revision - Respiration

Lecture 3

Medical Thermodynamics

Simple Relativity - Understanding Einstein's Special Theory of Relativity

Theory of relativity explained in 7 mins

Quantum Mechanics for Dummies

Easy Quantum Mechanics

What Is Plasma | Chemistry for All | FuseSchool


PDF of the Topic
Nuclear Physics & Radioactivity: Biological and Medical Application (Nuclear Physics: Crash Course Physics) (How Radiation Changes Your DNA) (What happens when your DNA is damaged? - Monica Menesini )  (A level Medical physics - Nuclear medicine and tracers part 1) (A level Medical physics - Nuclear medicine and tracers part 2 the gamma camera)

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